Archive 2018-19


Some very lucky Year 5 students got the opportunity this week to go down to Joseph Swan to take part in a Young Sports Leaders training programme! During the afternoon, they took part in games and then made up some of their own, with the help of some of the Year 8 children from the school. Hopefully


As part of our geography topic about mountains, the children were able to research their own facts about how different types of volcanoes are formed and behave. They created some fantastic posters and were very keen to present these to their class.


The children in Reception have been very busy learning all about Chinese New Year. They tasted Chinese food, painted Chinese dragons and threaded Cheerios onto pipe cleaners to make the body of the dragon. The boys and girls also made colourful Chinese dragon puppets and used them to dance to music.


In Reception, the children have been learning about measuring. We used cubes to measure different objects and we even measured monsters and dinosaurs! The children used mathematical language when comparing different lengths.


In English, Year 6 have been reading the novel ‘Skellig’.  In this story, one of the main characters is home-schooled. The children have thought about what it would be like to be home-schooled and had a formal debate where they had to speak either for or against the motion.


IN Dance, Year 6 have been looking at the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. They have worked in groups to create their own dramatic dances which tell a lyrical dance version of the story.


Thiis week the children made their own jigsaw patterns using a black felt tip pen.  They then carefully filled each piece with blue, yellow, red and green paint.  Well done everyone!