Archive 2018-19


This week the children have been splitting into small groups for welcome time.  They have enjoyed completing the group message board each day.  This consists of counting how many children are in the group, discussing the weather and learning what day of the week it is.  Staff also tell the childr


Six members of Year 5 were lucky enough to spend the day at the new Baltic Campus of Gateshead College to take part in the final of the Boardroom Challenge, against seven other local schools. They presented their fundraising idea to a panel of local councillors, bank managers and two representatives


Year 6 enjoyed a meal together at Primevera on Low Fell as they celebrate their last week at primary school. It was lovely to see the children enjoying themselves and socialising (when they weren’t on their phones). It was one of a number of events in this last week to mark the end of their time at


On Monday, Year 4 learnt about the history and importance of Bastille Day in France. In addition, we looked at how the national day is celebrated  by French people. In the afternoon, Year 4 looked at how the French Impressionists developed the artistic technique of Pointilism and the children enjoy


A huge well done to Mrs Blinkhorn’s and Mrs Old’s class for their fantastic ideas and print making skills. These are the posters that are going to be used to promote and celebrate the World Transplant Games 2019. The organisers have selected pieces of artwork from each school who took part in the p


To recognise those who have been working exceptionally hard all week, children in Reception now have the chance to be rewarded with juice and biscuits with Mr Malik. To achieve this, children will demonstrate hard work, polite manners, good behaviour and a positive attitude to everything they do. Th