Archive 2018-19


Over the last term we have been continuing our visits to Angel Court Residential Home. The children love to share stories about our hens here at Harlow Green, many of the residents remember helping out in the allotments as children so comparing hen related anecdotes is always fun. We decided we woul


Year 4 have been making observational drawings of linear patterns within natural objects. They used a view finder to select an area from an image of an onion, feather or wood grain, then chose appropriate media to enlarge and recreate the linear patterns.


In gymnastics, Year 6 have been working hard to create their own routines involving jumps, rolls and balances. Their focus has been on mirroring and matching a partner. They have had to work on different levels and try to replicate what their partner is doing.


As part of their ‘Peacekeepers’ topic, Year 6 have started to learn about Judaism. Mr Glickman was invited into school to speak to the children about the religion and some of their main festivals including Rosh Hashanah. It was a really interesting and engaging discussion, where the children were ab


The last couple of weeks have been very messy in Year 5! We have created a batik inspired piece of art, and we are all very pleased with what we have produced! We started by experimenting with materials – lots of ripping, gluing, re-ripping and re-gluing – to help us better understand how to produce


At Nursery, the children enjoy singing rhymes and songs every single day!  To celebrate ‘National Nursery Rhyme Week’ the children have been  doing lots of activities linked to their favourite rhymes.  We started the week by writing a list of our favourite rhymes and then discussed activities tha


  In Reception, we invented our own game to play in the outdoor area. This involved plastic skittles and water. The children worked as a team to fill up the  plastic bottles with water. After this, they chose to practise their throwing skills by seeing who could knock the water skittles over.


This week, Year One worked together to write a set of instructions to find some treasure. They became brilliant at using words to describe position and direction.


In gymnastics, Year 2 have been learning how to make different bridge positions. They have worked on holding a steady position while balancing and had lots of fun moving in their bridges.


In Year 3, the boys and girls have learned about fossilisation and explored the process through making their own fossils. The children used clay and plaster of paris so although they didn’t have to wait millions of years, a full week felt like an eternity.