Archive 2018-19


This week in Year 5, we have designed, adapted and created bridges. We carefully followed the brief to make sure our bridges were suitable, strong and stable – we didn’t want any collapses! The children have had lots of fun and we can’t wait to test them (when they’re dry!).  


In RE this week, year 4 have been learning about why many Christians go on pilgrimages and why these places are so special to them. They researched the history of Lourdes in France, including the amazing story of St. Bernadette and her incorruptible body. They presented the information as leaflets f


In Year 3 the boys and girls have been learning about the language of dance. The girls and boys explored travelling in different ways and created a sequence of moves to use in their choreography. The theme of our dance was ‘Walk like an Egyptian!’


In Year 3 the boys and girls have been learning how to create monoprints. Over the last week the boys and girls have developed different skills including using a roller, inking up a slab and printing over different textures and surfaces. They designed a symbol that represented an Egyptian God and pr


Year 6 enjoyed a sport morning at Joseph Swan Academy. The children were able to participate in table tennis, trampolining, basketball and rock climbing activities. It was lovely to see so many children having a go at something which they might not usually do.


The children love to visit the playground to play with the equipment.  They have been developing their gross motor skills by riding the balance bikes and scooters and pedalling the trikes.  They have also been climbing and balancing  on the play frame.


This week, Nursery have been learning about Autumn.  The children enjoyed going on an Autumn walk in the school grounds.  They collected lots of Autumn treasure  which they have used to create pictures with, count and talk about.  On our walk, we also collected some tomatoes to eat that were gro


In our English lessons, Year 5 have been learning how to construct sentences that include relative clauses. We wrote simple sentences on strips of paper about Beowulf (our class novel) and then added information about the noun by using a relative pronoun to start a relative clause. Next we added it


Linked to their local landmark work in geography, the children have been creating some artwork of The Angel of the North. Their final pieces include the use of pastels to create mood as well as line drawings in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. The children are incredibly proud of their art work. Well


Children in Year 5 and 6 have been enjoying tag rugby club with  Mr Allen and Mr McMann on a Monday night. From the first week, when passing backwards was difficult, to the last week, where fast-paced games were being played, the progress has been incredible. They have all enjoyed the sessions and