Archive 2018-19


This morning, Year 4 were lucky enough to have some parents/carers join us for a morning of times tables! The children (and adults) took part in a carousel of activities exploring times tables in lots of different ways. There were activities on iPads, Tarsia puzzles, Times Up Towers, Times Up Cards


June 5th is ‘World Environment Day’ led by the United Nations with the aim of raising awareness and putting actions into place which will help protect the world in which we live. There are many ways in which our lifestyles have a negative impact upon our environment.  However, there are many ways i


Yesterday, six Year 4 children went to Kingsmeadow to compete against different schools playing netball. They played fantastically as a team and really enjoyed showing off their netball skills they learnt with their coach last term.  


Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end! And so it is with the Year 6 residential to Dukeshouse Wood.  However, the time in which they were there, the children learned a lot of new skills but they also learned a lot about themselves.  Everyone was pushed outside of their comfort zones a


Year 6 have enjoyed another fun-packed menu of activities.  The staff and children tried their hand at archery, the zip wire and the laser in the woods. After tea, the children enjoyed a game of football rounders and the ‘mini olympics’ before returning to their dormitories for a well-earned n


Yesterday, two of our year 5 cricket teams took part in a competition at Felling Cricket Club. Both teams showed off their incredible sporting skills, as well as their their team work and sportsmanship.   Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our talents and abilities.


After a night in which we can at least say that everyone got some sleep, it was important that the children refuelled.  A 7.30am call for breakfast led to some happy individuals who tucked into a menu of cooked breakfast, cereal, toast and watermelon. As the children prepare for the morning activit


During the afternoon, the Year 6 pupils were challenged in a range of activities that filled the first part of Day 1. Once split into three groups, the children listened carefully to the instructors and worked hard to achieve group outcomes and individual goals. Today’s sessions included high ropes,


Year 5 are absolutely delighted to be taking part in Newcastle Building Society’s Boardroom Challenge this year, and we started the process with some very special visitors from the company, who came in and spent a morning with each class. They introduced the idea of the Boardroom Challenge: we need