

This week in Reception, we have celebrated Pancake Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed choosing a delicious topping for their pancake. After this, the children began to taste them. We really enjoyed getting to try the different flavours.  Chocolate spread was the most popular choice as it was yumm


The children in Reception have been learning about road safety today. They learnt how to cross the road safely and what to do when walking near a road. They even got to dress up! We said a little rhyme to help us ‘Stop, look and listen before we cross the street’.


The children in Reception have been very busy learning all about Chinese New Year. They tasted Chinese food, painted Chinese dragons and threaded Cheerios onto pipe cleaners to make the body of the dragon. The boys and girls also made colourful Chinese dragon puppets and used them to dance to music.


In Reception, the children have been learning about measuring. We used cubes to measure different objects and we even measured monsters and dinosaurs! The children used mathematical language when comparing different lengths.


The children in Reception had great fun in the snow on Friday.  Everyone got wrapped up warm and went out to build a snowman. They also enjoyed painting the snow different colours and using pipettes to drop coloured water onto the snow. These activities were helping the children to develop their fi


On Tuesday, Reception had lots of fun in PE. They had to travel with a beanbag on their head around the cones. It was hard not to drop the beanbag. At the end of the cones, they had to jump in a hoop and then run back to the beginning. The best bit was using the hoops as steering wheels in and out o