

  In Reception, we invented our own game to play in the outdoor area. This involved plastic skittles and water. The children worked as a team to fill up the  plastic bottles with water. After this, they chose to practise their throwing skills by seeing who could knock the water skittles over.


In Reception, we celebrated Bonfire Night by doing lots of different activities. We made firework pictures, thought of firework sounds, made colourful firework bottles, collected sparkly objects, and made sparkly stars. The children practised writing letters in firework coloured sand. The children l


The Reception children have enjoyed hunting for different shapes in the outdoor area. They were able to name the shapes and describe them. The children also had fun exploring different shapes by drawing around them and creating shape pictures.


In Reception, the boys and girls have been reading the story ‘The Scarecrows’ Wedding’. The children enjoyed making their own scarecrows using different shapes. Reception talked about which shapes they had used for their scarecrow and why. The boys and girls really enjoyed looking at all of the


This week in Reception, the boys and girls have been building an obstacle course in the outdoor area. They used a variety of objects such as bricks, tyres, hoops and blocks. The children used their balancing skills to walk along the obstacle course.    


In Reception, we have been writing our numbers and counting natural objects. The boys and girls counted pom poms onto the numicon. They are getting very good with their counting skills.  


During plan, do and review, the boys and girls made a bus in the outdoor area. It even had stairs as it was a double decker bus. The children said it was the number 10 bus and it was going to Newcastle. They made signs and tickets for the bus. Everyone worked together as a team.