Year 3


In Year 3 the children have been learning about the advances made by the ancient Egyptians. The boys and girls found out about how the obelisks were used as shadow clocks to help tell the time. The childrens’ learning about how shadows change in science helped them to understand how this could work.


In Year 3 the boys and girls have been learning about the language of dance. The girls and boys explored travelling in different ways and created a sequence of moves to use in their choreography. The theme of our dance was ‘Walk like an Egyptian!’


In Year 3 the boys and girls have been learning how to create monoprints. Over the last week the boys and girls have developed different skills including using a roller, inking up a slab and printing over different textures and surfaces. They designed a symbol that represented an Egyptian God and pr


Year 3 have been learning how to ink up a slab and use a roller to create different effects. The boys and girls etched into a slab to create a monoprint and they rolled over different surfaces and textures. The children will apply these skills next week to create a monoprint inspired by the Ancient


Our choir meet with Mrs Reynolds every week.  They have been practicing the following songs: ‘Try everything’ ‘One in a Million’ ‘No wars will stop us singing’ ‘Remember Me’ Their enthusiasm and singing talent is fantastic and the sound of their singing brightens up our school on Thursday lunchtime


Year 3 have enjoyed working with our basketball coach from Newcastle Eagles on Tuesday after school.  They have demonstrated amazing shooting, throwing and catching skills.  Well done everyone.


Year 1, 2 and 3 had a special visitor today to lead the morning assembly.  Reverend Mark came to Harlow Green to present the assembly which was about Harvest and being thankful.  To illustrate the need to be kind and considerate at this time, the reverend told a bible story in which Jesus was than


In Year 3 the boys and girls have been learning how to use prepositions. First they played games to practice using prepositions to describe the position of objects, before moving on to using prepositions of time. The boys and girls have since moved on to use these prepositions in their writing.