Year 4


This week we have explored John Brusdon’s linear artwork. The children have practised using lines and colour to build up different landscape features, such as mountains, fields, sky, etc… Then they put their skills to the test by using their practised techniques to create a John Brunsdon inspired


Year 4 have loved playing their glockenspiels this week, with the help of a partner to read the musical notes to them. They have learnt to play some simple tunes, and have had the chance to make their own music by improvising with the notes C, E and F.  


Year 4 have been making observational drawings of linear patterns within natural objects. They used a view finder to select an area from an image of an onion, feather or wood grain, then chose appropriate media to enlarge and recreate the linear patterns.


Year 4 have been creating sketch maps of our local area this week. To ensure they were accurate and to add extra details -such as bus stops, traffic lights and foot bridges- we got out and about with a walk to the Angel of the North! The children (and adults!) had great fun visiting the Angel. &nbsp


We have been using an animation as inspiration in English this week. The children acted out the different emotions the characters had throughout the film.


The children have had loads fun this week making pressure pad alarms in DT. We even got every design working successfully!  


Today in year 4, the children have loved investigating how switches in an electrical circuit work. They then worked in groups to create their very own switch for their circuit using everyday objects such as paper clips, split pins and tinfoil!  


In RE this week, year 4 have been learning about why many Christians go on pilgrimages and why these places are so special to them. They researched the history of Lourdes in France, including the amazing story of St. Bernadette and her incorruptible body. They presented the information as leaflets f


Year 4 loved investigating which materials were conductors and which were insulators. They built simple circuits with bulbs, buzzers or motors, then tested different materials such as copper coins, wooden pencils and plastic rulers. They all agreed that the only material that was an electrical condu