Year 6


Year 6 had an afternoon of fun to celebrate the end of their SATs including having a picnic, an ice-cream and Mrs Jennings’ legendary cupcakes. A huge well done to all of the children for their efforts this week. We are extremely proud of them.   Article 31 – We all have the right to play and r


Year 6 enjoyed the opportunity to forget about their SATs and get their hands dirty producing some art work. They have been studying the artwork of Henry Moore and Giacometti and this week they produced sculptures using clay, wire, straws and masking tape.


In Year 6, the children have started to look at the work of Henry Moore. They looked at his abstract sculptures of figures. they particularly enjoyed trying to name each of the sculptures – there were definitely some amusing ones!   Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our talents and


Year 6 have been learning to classify living things and look carefully at nature around them. this has also fitted in well to their class English book ‘Varmints’, which looks at the way humans damage nature. The children were taken outside to look at the forest school area and had to find an interes


Free play sessions in Forest School are a chance for the children to put into practice the skills that they have learnt. Play and choice are an integral part of the Forest School learning process, play is recognised as vital to learning and development at Forest School.  Opportunities are designe


Yesterday, our brilliant Year 5/6 hockey team took part in the county finals against teams from all over the North East. They were one of two teams representing Gateshead in these finals! They played incredibly well and had lots of fun!   Article 29 – We have the right to develop our talents an


Year 6 have a lot to juggle at the minute with SATs revision, but in gymnastics the focus was on balancing and staying still. The children have been working with a partner and in small groups to create balances on the floor and apparatus – working on different levels and balancing using different bo