Have you had a go at this week’s challenge? We created the Class of 2020 but couldn’t quite match the names to the faces so needed your help! If you have tried, then the answers are attached. If you have not tried, then try not to sneak a peek at them and you can still have a go. Well done if yo
As the government announces cautious changes to the lockdown restrictions, there is great excitement in being able to do a little more, especially more of a chance to see family face-to-face, even if that is in a restricted manner. In all the information sharing about how we will open up in a grad
We announce with great sadness Vi Symons died suddenly on Sunday 17th May. Vi had a 38 year teaching career, 12 of which were as Head Teacher of Harlow Green Infant School. A dedicated professional who met anyone stepping through the school doors with enthusiasm and friendliness, Vi had a repu
There was a lot of craft work at the end of our second month open in this very different manner. During the week, younger children painted tiles with rainbows and NHS logos, which will be made into a group piece of art. Towards the end of the week, older children had a chance to do some clay m
The children in EYFS have had another busy week home learning and enjoying the beautiful weather. A few children have been invited to virtual birthday parties on zoom that sound like they have been very successful and not nearly as messy for the party hosts! We have also heard that lots of childre
There are many aspects of being in lockdown that can be seen as worrying, difficult and challenging. Being with our loved ones 24/7 will have tested everyone’s patience, at various times. However, this has also been a time when parents and carers have had the opportunity to spend a greater amo
It is essential that we seek the views of parents/carers in relation to the potential of opening to greater numbers of children. I would ask all parents/carers to complete the survey via the link below (one survey per child). However, for an understanding of the current situation please do so af
This week we would like you to share the story ‘Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs’ on the link below. You then may like to try some of these activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTjQeCspMkY Writing Ideas: In the story, Harry loses his dinosaurs after he accidentally leaves
Well we have now reached the end of week 8 of our home learning! It is amazing to see the continued enthusiasm you have shown for home learning and all of the wonderful activities you have been doing together as families. We are so proud of your efforts and we know that your support will be of
This week in school, children were involved in investigating light and mixing coloured lights to make secondary colours. Some children spent time making a maze for the bee-bots to navigate once the programme was entered. As you can also see, a little more baking took place – this time it was mak