English In English, we will spend one day reading and comprehending a text; one day on spelling, one day on grammar, one day completing a short writing activity and one day focusing on Lexia. Reading and Comprehension – The Old Toy Room Share the story with your child. Then, discuss the questions
Well, we have completed the first week of the final half term of this academic year. Only 6 more weeks to go until the summer holidays. All of the teachers continue to be amazed and proud of all of the home learning activities taking place. We look forward to all of your weekly emails. Thank
As families will know, due to various concerns, Gateshead schools made a collective decision to delay the wider reopening of schools beyond the priority children until Monday 8th June, at the earliest. With the current information coming out at the end of last week, it very much appears that this
Task – Sun Safety This week, the weather has been very hot and sunny. You can have lots of fun in the sun, but it is very important to stay safe. Read Sammy Seagulls Sun Safety Story. In the beach bag template, draw and label all the things you would need to stay safe in the sun. Then, choose one
This week we would like you to share the story ‘Handa’s Suprise’ on the link below. You then may like to try some of these activities. https://youtu.be/XyIV_xYi0as Comprehension/Writing Ideas: In the story, Handa collects seven different fruits in her basket. Can you write or think of a list of
Have you had a go at this week’s challenge? We created the Class of 2020 but couldn’t quite match the names to the faces so needed your help! If you have tried, then the answers are attached. If you have not tried, then try not to sneak a peek at them and you can still have a go. Well done if yo
As the government announces cautious changes to the lockdown restrictions, there is great excitement in being able to do a little more, especially more of a chance to see family face-to-face, even if that is in a restricted manner. In all the information sharing about how we will open up in a grad
We announce with great sadness Vi Symons died suddenly on Sunday 17th May. Vi had a 38 year teaching career, 12 of which were as Head Teacher of Harlow Green Infant School. A dedicated professional who met anyone stepping through the school doors with enthusiasm and friendliness, Vi had a repu
There was a lot of craft work at the end of our second month open in this very different manner. During the week, younger children painted tiles with rainbows and NHS logos, which will be made into a group piece of art. Towards the end of the week, older children had a chance to do some clay m
We have come to the end of week nine and another half term. Phew! As always, we have thoroughly enjoyed reading your writing activities this week. You have used your wonderful imaginations to think of some fantastic things to take to space, including: a blanket, an oxygen tank, a space helmet, some