Our topic title for the Spring term is ‘Healthy Life, Happy Life!’ In Geography this term, we have studied rural Uganda and compared and contrasted this to life in Gateshead. The children have used images to explore schools in rural Uganda and used all of their learning to reply to a child from Ugan
Over the last few weeks children in Year 2 have been discussing similarities and differences between boys and girls. It has been interesting to hear their thoughts on whether gender affects ability and how that may change as we grow older. Across the Year group it was heart warming to hear the opini
Some of the children in Miss Bull’s class have enjoyed getting creative this term. They used collage materials to create Winter pictures in response to all the darkness in January. The following week they made red and gold money wallets after learning about Chinese New Year in assembly. They also wa
This afternoon, the boys and girls in Year 2 have been experimenting with composing music using their bodies. They explored different parts of their bodies to find out which created the best sound. The children used their hands, shoulders, feet and knees to create a sequence of body percussion. The
The children in Year 2 have enjoyed reading a selection of books by the author Anthony Browne. Last week they listened to the stories ‘Changes ‘, Willy the Wimp’ and ‘Things I Like’. They discussed each story and recorded their own opinion, giving a reason for their choice. They will be reading
Wow! What an amazing success Mission Christmas has been! The Rights Respect officers had a huge job counting all of the donated gifts before helping to load the Mission Christmas van. It was fun but tiring work! As a school, we collected over 300 gifts which will brighten up the Christmas of many ch
Today, in Year 1 and 2 we celebrated in style! We played lots of party games including pass the parcel and musical statues. We also danced to some classic dance tunes including the Superman Song, the Macarena and the Conga! We all had a lovely time, and some lucky children even danced away with some
On Friday, our wonderful superstars in Years 1 and 2 performed Prickly Hay to two fantastic audiences. During the play, the boys and girls sang, danced and acted out the story of the birth of Jesus and reminded us why we celebrate Christmas. All of the children who took part in the play did so with
The Christmas festivities have now officially started after the school enjoyed a fabulous Christmas lunch this afternoon. There was an early start for our kitchen team in the morning preparing the traditional meal along with some wonderfully decorated biscuits. Everyone was extremely excited all mor
Wow! Thank you so much for your continued support with our Mission Christmas Appeal. The amount and variety of gifts donated so far is overwhelming and the pile just keeps on growing! Don’t worry, if you would still like to contribute, you have until Monday 16th December, when the gifts will be co