Year 4


We had a great time in Year 4 spending the day reading and enjoying the book Can I Build Another Me?  We shared stories, had time to read and enjoyed trying to create another me! The children looked amazing and told us about their favourite authors and books. Article 29 – We have the right to devel


Launching our book this half term, we enjoyed creating a lot of noise like a big flock of finches! Giving each other messages whilst trying to listen in to others, we had to concentrate on what we were saying and what we could hear!  We also created our own coloured bird template in order to use in


In our current science topic of ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’, year 4 have been investigating the properties of gas. As most gases cannot be seen, smelt or felt, their properties are difficult to examine. The children had to devise a way to measure how much carbon dioxide gas there was in a cup of fiz


Year 4 have loved starting to read their new book- I am Henry Finch- in English this week. We have considered how the main character is feeling at different points in the story. Today, we have demonstrated our understanding of this through drama. Everyone in the class had the opportunity to act out


The children in Year 4 have been getting creative with composition. The aim was to compose and perform a rap about bullying. The children began by creating a steady pulse using an iPad. They then digitally composed a simple melody using percussion instrument sounds over the top of their beat. Once t


In preparation for making hand puppets in year 4, the children have been practicing and improving their sewing skills. They have all shown excellent concentration and determination to complete a running stitch and an overcast stitch. The first step was to be able to thread the needle and tie a knot