Another strange week at school, but another fantastic one! While everyone at school has been making Easter pom poms and perfecting Tik Tok dances (as well as keeping up with online learning!), it looks like everyone at home has been keeping their spirits up and having a great time too! Although the
As we are coming to Easter, children will start expecting to reduce school work but will need occupying, especially if we are still isolating in our homes. To support families at home over the next two weeks, we are setting an optional Easter Bingo Challenge. The aim is to look at the activities sug
Although it is strange at present to think of school holidays and bank holidays, the next two weeks are officially the Easter holidays. However, due to the current situation, Harlow Green will still be accessible for those parents/carers who are critical key workers and who must work during this p
It would normally be this time of year when children would compete in our Easter Egg design competition and we thought, why would we let a school closure stop this from happening! In the current context, instead of a competition, we will be having a celebration of design and creativity. Therefore,
THIS IS JUST A REMINDER OF THE INFORMATION SENT AT THE BEGINNING OF MARCH SO THAT IT IS EASY TO ACCESS. We will be posting our home learning information on our website to allow parents easy access to resources and instructions. In summary, the initial set up means that children will have access to r
The children who have been at school due to a parent being a key worker have been busy this week. Many of you will have seen the beautiful rainbow on the staff room window, but this was just the beginning. Each morning they have started the day with Joe Wicks’ energetic workout. They have then done
It has been great to see some sunny weather this week which has made us all feel a little lighter than we have done recently. The issue of not being able to go out and enjoy the sun as much as we would want to is a pain of course, but remember we can all go out once a day for our daily exercise so
Over the past week, the staff of Year 5 have been delighted to receive so many emails with pictures of the children undertaking a huge range of learning activities at home! We’ve had everything from fitness to baking, and chicken rearing to shed painting! Keep going with your learning from home acti
If you have self-identified as being a Key Worker who wishes to access our school childcare provision, we are expecting that you will bring your child to school on the days that are appropriate for you during the week, until we collate more accurate information. Dear Parent/Carer, Thank you for yo
Our Forest School would like to share some ideas that might help to inspire you in these difficult times. We know it is vital, to help control the spread of this virus, that as many children as possible should stay at home, this must be the priority. However that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy