Year 6


Task – Descriptive Setting This week, your challenge is to write two contrasting, descriptive settings. During lock down, many places that would normally be busy, have been quiet and empty. We would like you to choose a setting and describe it when there is nobody there and also when it is full and


Another week of home learning and another week where you have made your teachers (and parents) proud with the effort that you have put in to your work. It has been especially pleasing to see so many of you engaging with the weekly writing task – look out for next week’s and let’s see how many of you


We know that today you would have been looking forward (maybe) to SATs. We just wanted to share this poem with you as we are sure lots of you have some mixed feelings today. A Poem for Year 6 children – class of 2020 ???? ???? Today is the day that SATs would have started, The classroom set up and t


Task – Non-chronological report This week, we thought it would be interesting for you to write about one of your interests. Choose a subject that you know a lot about, or one you would like to research, and then write a non-chronological report about it. If Mr Allen was doing this, he might write a