Year 6


It has been lovely to hear from some of you over this past week and for you to share some of the things that you have been doing at home. As homes turn in to classrooms all round the country, it was interesting to see how this has been done in some of your houses. Olivia has been working hard and ev


Our Forest School would like to share some ideas that might help to inspire you in these difficult times. We know it is vital, to help control the spread of this virus, that as many children as possible should stay at home, this must be the priority.  However that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy


Year 6 have been working on time this week. Being able to tell the time is a vital life-skill and the children have been thinking about analogue and digital time, the 24-hour clock and timetables. The Year 6 teachers have talked about the importance of being able to use more than just a phone to tel