Archive 2020-21


In RE, the boys and girls have been learning about the importance of Moses to people of the Jewish faith. They enjoyed listening to the story before ordering the events and verbally retelling it to their partners. The children were all very curious and asked some great questions along the way. They


We have had a lovely week in Nursery and been very busy! Together we have carried on exploring minibeasts and have been exploring ‘caterpillars’. The children have really engaged with the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and together we have discussed the lifecycle of a butterfly: egg – ca


In Science this half term, the children have learnt about the human digestive system. They have followed the journey of the food they eat from its beginnings in their mouth, to the very end, and everything in between! The class enjoyed a hands-on demonstration of how food travels to the stomach, how


In Year 2, we have been learning all about plants. To find out what seeds need to grow, we decided to do an experiment. We planted lots of seeds and decided to put them in different conditions to see which grew the best. The different conditions were: Sunlight and water, Sunlight but no water, Water


Year One have been thoroughly enjoying our new topic in computing – animation.  The children have been using a programme called Scratch.  So far they have learnt to change the background, change the sprite (character) and can even input an algorithm to move two sprites at a time.  They are now re


Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their week designing and making a Roman chariot. They were given a design brief to create an authentic looking Roman chariot that could move and hold cubes. Despite some trepidation from the teachers about what might happen to the new tables, the children were let loos


Year 6 had a pleasant surprise this week when the ice-cream van arrived playing its tune on the yard. Exact Education  Supply Company had contacted school about visiting to reward the Year 6 children for their hard work and as a treat before they leave primary school. It was certainly welcomed by t


During Computing lessons this half term, the children in Year 5 have been focussing on programming, primarily using Scratch to help them develop their coding skills. The children were given a brief: design an interactive quiz using the program. They conducted thorough research into their chosen topi