Archive 2020-21


Mrs Cunningham, our Kidsafe leader, visited both Year 3 classes with her puppet KS.  She talked to the children about who they could go to if they were worried.  The children made their own list of trusted adults, which included grown-ups at home and in school.  Mrs Cunningham also talked about �


Please find attached the home learning for Year 2 for this week. All of the resources needed are provided below. If you need any help or support with this work, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via Class Dojo and they will respond as soon as possible. English: Monday – Reading Com


The children in Nursery have enjoyed exploring worms this week, we now know that worms have no legs and travel through the soil to make tunnels and help put water into the soil. We have looked at the story of Superworm and explored worms by making our own repeating pattern bead worms. Nursery have l


In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about the continents, oceans and climate zones. They learnt that Asia is the biggest continent in the world and is home to giant pandas, tigers and monkeys. Also, they were very interested to find out that Africa has the most countries of any continent –


In Topic this half term, year 4 have been learning all about Ancient Greece. This has without doubt been one of their favourite topics so far! The children began by creating a timeline of the Ancient Greek civilisation which began in 2200BC and ended in 146BC. They were able to use these dates to ca


This week in Year 3, we have been studying our local area. The children have used Google Earth to locate their homes and identify the land use around us. Using this information, the children have enjoyed creating their own sketch maps of our locality. To identify the different types of land use, the


What amazing writing we have seen in Year One this week.  The Year One children have been learning about the importance of starting every sentence with a capital letter and ending it with a full stop. Firstly we talked our sentences out loud and even added actions for a capital letter and  a full


This week, Year 5 were lucky enough to have their bonus PE sessions with Mr McMann (and we even managed to avoid the rain!). The children took part in a variety of fitness tasks, including jumping between hoops, swerving around cones and hopping over ladders! Exhausted doesn’t even come close! Mr Mc