On Friday 13th November we celebrated Children in Need across school. The children came in their spots, dress up costumes or yellow Pudsey accessories to raise money for the 2020 Appeal Show. We all learnt the meaning behind Children in Need and how it originated, completed Pudsey colourings, made b
In History, Year 2 have been learning all about The Great Fire of Gateshead. They ordered the key events of the fire on a timeline and lots have remembered the year it happened! The children learnt that the fire started in a factory on Gateshead quayside. The children compared of the quayside from t
In Year 2, we have been learning about staying safe online. One way we have learnt to stay safe is to use an avatar instead of a photo of ourselves. This keeps us safe as it means we are not identifiable as ourselves online. We also discussed that this means that we cannot identify other people onli
As part of our Remembrance events this year, all the children across school have helped create poems about the poppy and Home – learning about the way World War 2 evacuees left their homes and moved out in the countryside, unable to see their families and loved ones, some for up to 6 years. This
Year 2 have been getting to know their way around our Forest School with an Autumn Sightseeing Tour. Becoming familiar with how to move safely in a natural environment is very important for their future Forest School adventures and of course gives them an important skill set to use when they are out
Firstly, we have now been provided with the additional information for parents which may help understand how the study will be conducted and the reasons why. This can be found by clicking on the link below. Parent Information Sheet (no longer available) Additionally, we are aware that the registra
Monday 2nd November 2020 Dear parent/carer, Harlow Green Community Primary has been selected to participate in the National Covid-19 Infection Study which will take place over the academic year. The aim of the study is to identify the prevalence of the virus and the level of antibodies within indivi
Gateshead Council has announced support over half-term for families in receipt of Free School Meals. This support is for those who receive a free school meal due to financial means-testing and not as part of the infant free school meals programme. Any family who currently receives means-tested fre
Today the new Rights Respect Officers gathered for their first meeting of the academic year. We discussed World Food Day and looked at the vast amount of donations displayed in the main office. We had a visit from one of the volunteers, Keith, who works at The People’s Kitchen. He shared lots of i
In RE, Year 2 have been learning all about Christian weddings. The children learnt that Christians often get married in a church, exchange rings/vows and eat cake. The children had to pretend that they had been a guest at a Christian wedding and made a thank you card for the bride and groom. Inside