On Friday 13th November we celebrated Children in Need across school. The children came in their spots, dress up costumes or yellow Pudsey accessories to raise money for the 2020 Appeal Show. We all learnt the meaning behind Children in Need and how it originated, completed Pudsey colourings, made b
This week, Year 4 have used a short film as a stimulus for our English work instead of a text or book. We have loved watching The Dragon Slayer which tells the story of a battle between a warrior and a dragon and has a most unexpected ending! To begin this block of English, we made predictions about
Timetable Attached is a timetable that ideally you should print off or download if you can and keep handy for an overview of what we would like the children to focus on this week. The learning has been simplified from school and some of it is using slightly different resources to what we usually d
As part of our Remembrance events this year, all the children across school have helped create poems about the poppy and Home – learning about the way World War 2 evacuees left their homes and moved out in the countryside, unable to see their families and loved ones, some for up to 6 years. This
This week in Year 4 we have been working on identifying different types of angles. We have been looking at acute, obtuse and right angles and ensuring that by comparing the size to a right angle, we can identify the angle without using a protractor. We started with making our own split pin angle m
Firstly, we have now been provided with the additional information for parents which may help understand how the study will be conducted and the reasons why. This can be found by clicking on the link below. Parent Information Sheet (no longer available) Additionally, we are aware that the registra
Monday 2nd November 2020 Dear parent/carer, Harlow Green Community Primary has been selected to participate in the National Covid-19 Infection Study which will take place over the academic year. The aim of the study is to identify the prevalence of the virus and the level of antibodies within indivi
Gateshead Council has announced support over half-term for families in receipt of Free School Meals. This support is for those who receive a free school meal due to financial means-testing and not as part of the infant free school meals programme. Any family who currently receives means-tested fre
Today the new Rights Respect Officers gathered for their first meeting of the academic year. We discussed World Food Day and looked at the vast amount of donations displayed in the main office. We had a visit from one of the volunteers, Keith, who works at The People’s Kitchen. He shared lots of i
In the summer our lovely willow hens had a revamp, and are looking splendid in their new outfits. Now our firepit has had a make over too, thanks to our talented friends at Sylvan Skills. The old willow fencing has been replaced with hazel to make a more robust screen from the elements. Our nature g