Year 5


This week we have loved seeing all of the different the things each of you have been taking part in during Wellbeing Week!  The week was designed to allow the children, parents and carers some time away from screens, encourage a range of different and varied activities and to focus on the five pill


As mentioned last week, we recognise that Home Learning can, at times, be challenging for the household and we appreciate the effort parents/carers and children are making with a second, sustained period at home.  Within this in mind, our learning schedule for the final week of half-term (see below


Please find attached the home learning for Year 5 for the following week. All of the boards and resources needed are provided below. If you need any help or support with this work, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via Class Dojo and they will respond as soon as possible. Keep safe


Please find attached the home learning for Year 5 for the following week. All of the boards and resources needed are provided below. If you need any help or support with this work, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via Class Dojo and they will respond as soon as possible. Keep safe


Class Meets As we progress our Home Learning, the next stage is to introduce the opportunity for the children to meet virtually and safely, supported by their class teacher.  This will be primarily to enable interaction between the children in a supported way and to allow them to see one another to


The government has announced that they have teamed up with a number of authors to offer an online library of books. Each week, a new author will be the focus and one of their books will be released online as a free book with several reading and writing activities linked to the book. This week the au