Archive 2021-22


This week Year One have thoroughly enjoyed being artists in the classroom. They have practised drawing a variety of lines, using a pencil – straight, wriggly, curved and zig zag and then transferred these skills to painting different lines. Also the pupils have learnt how to mix primary colours to m


During our PE lessons this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been developing their volleyball skills. They began by learning how to control the ball. They started by rolling it back and forth, before passing it using an underarm throw. After developing their accuracy, the real fun began when t


In Science, we are currently studying materials and particles and how we can change their state.  This week we looked at melting and freezing, and the conditions that help water to change state. We used ice cubes placed in different locations to see which ones melted the fastest or slowest and then


Year 6 children enjoyed a visit from Chef Nick, where they worked in groups to prepare and cook their own Mexican dishes – a chilli and burritos. The chef discussed healthy living and the importance of a balanced diet. It was interesting to see the children mixing the spices with the raw chicken  a


The children in Year 6 have been learning about volume.  To begin with, they used multilink cubes to make 3D shapes of given volumes and learnt that shapes with the same volume can look very different.  Then, they used the cubes to make 3D shapes from pictures and find their volumes. The children