Archive 2021-22


Yesterday we had three teams take part in the Gateshead School Sports Boccia competition. There were 28 teams who took part from all across Gateshead and all of our three teams did really well and gave their all in every single game.  Two of our teams got to the semi-finals with Harlow Green C narr


The children in the Nursery are enjoying playing games! We have been learning how to play Tic Tac Toe, subitizing games, chef games, shopping list games, board games, and skittles. Lots of turn taking, working together, mathematical language, sharing, language, and predictions taking place during th


Chinese New year This week the children have been learning about the celebration of ‘Chinese New Year’. We have taken a dive into their culture and explored how it is different to us. We have tried Chinese dancing, looked at their outfits and what they do to celebrate New Year – dragon dances,


In RE, Year Two have been learning all about Islam. First, they learned how Muslim babies are welcomed into the world. They were very interested (and surprised) to find out that, when a baby is seven days old, it’s hair is shaved and weighed. The amount the baby’s hair weighs is the amount of money


During our computing topic this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about animation. At the start of this unit of work, the children created flip books. They were amazed at the moving pictures they created. In order to create our animations, the children have accessed and learnt to


This half term, Year 6 are learning about spreadsheets in computing. Firstly, the children were introduced to data, the different types and how it can be organised within a spreadsheet. Following this, the children looked at a spreadsheet showing sales of electronic items. From this spreadsheet, que