Archive 2021-22


In PSHE, Year Two have been learning about the importance of community. They learned that a community is a group with something in common. The children recognised they were a part of lots of communities – football teams, dancing classes and the area where they live. This week, the children discussed


This term some of the Year 6 children have been attending a futsal club on a Thursday morning.  It has been great to get clubs up and running again!   The children have been practising their futsal skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling and other football skills. Article 29 – We all have t


This term some of our year fours have been attending a Basketball  club on a Thursday afternoon . The children have been practising their basketball skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling, defending and attacking. The children have worked really hard in every session. Article 29 – We all hav


This term we have been looking at the Christian faith, focusing on the Miracles of Jesus and Christian pilgrimages. We looked at the well known miracles like Jesus calming the sea, feeding the five thousand and healing the sick, and then had a good class discussion as to whether modern miracles exis


This afternoon, Year Six were given the opportunity to take part in a fantastic singing taster session to promote Gateshead Youth Choir led by singer Sharon Durant. The children had lots of fun singing mash-ups of songs such as Old Town Road and Montero, Rip Tide and the Cup Song. They played clappi


Over the past couple of weeks, the children in Year 6 have been working on drawing within art lessons. They have developed their shading techniques. The unit began with the children exploring pattern and the hatching method. Following this, they have learnt how to create reflections and show light,


In our art lessons in Year 3 this half term, the children have been learning about printing. At first, the children investigated the effects of different textures when printing and then created monoprints of their own designs. The final print design of the children linked back to our work on the anc


This half term, Year 5 have enjoyed reading the story Beowolf written by Michael Morpurgo. After finishing the book, the children have planned and written a sequel to the story about the brave warrior meeting and fighting a second beast. Within their writing, the children have included features that


As we reach the end of the half-term, it is excellent to see the effort that so many children have been making to read regularly. All children in KS2 should be reading using either Reading Plus or Lexia and then their Accelerated Reader books each week. Over the last fortnight the two classes with t