After having a break from our Easter egg decorating competition, it has been absolutely fantastic the response we have received this year as you will see from the pictures below. There is a vast array of designs showing skill, creativity and hard work. The judging took place on Thursday by the Right
Year One had a fantastic time at Beamish this week and luckily, the sun was shining. The children were thrilled to be going on a coach at last and after an immensely exciting bus journey, we arrived at Beamish. We tried to visit as many places at Beamish as possible. The children enjoyed the far
As part of our end of term activities, all children from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in a class quiz focussed around their foundation subjects (History, Art, Geography, Science, PE etc) whether it is individually on the iPads or as a class, using the interactive quiz tool – Mentimeter. The teachers
Although there are concerns about a rise in cases of Covid-19, the national guidance for the public and for schools is that we are now in the stage of ‘living with Covid’. The last two years have been a long and exhausting period which has been unprecedented in many ways. Over this time, we have b
With the Government moving to their ‘Living with Covid’ strategy, it is important that we provide families with the latest information regarding managing children’s absence. There is now an assumption that testing will not occur as PCR tests are not routinely available and LFD tests are no longer fr
This week Year One have been learning about the life cycle of a frog. The children started their learning journey by watching a video of a real life frog grow. The children were amazed at the different growing stages of a frog – frogspawn, tadpole, froglet and frog. The pupils created a frog mobile
It has been lovely over the last few weeks to be able to go around school and talk to the children about some of the books that they have been reading at home. Reading is one of the most important life-skills that a child will ever learn, but more so, it can bring such pleasure and enjoyment. This w

This half term, Year One have enjoyed creating music using body percussion. They have explored different ways to make sounds using their body parts, stamping and clapping being the most popular. They sequenced sounds to compose a rhythm with their partner and then performed their composition to the
This week Year One have thoroughly enjoyed being artists in the classroom. They have practised drawing a variety of lines, using a pencil – straight, wriggly, curved and zig zag and then transferred these skills to painting different lines. Also the pupils have learnt how to mix primary colours to m
On Friday 18th March, we all came to school wearing our red clothing, face paints, hair dye and noses. We filled the day with laughter telling jokes to our friends and judging the funniest phase of teachers. For Comic Relief this year, as a school community we have managed to raise… £398.38 The m