Year 3


Over the last few weeks, it has been lovely to hear so many children talking about the books that they are reading in school and being asked for recommendations and authors, so that they can read more at home. This week’s books actually come from recommendations from Mr Allen’s son – one that he tho


It was pleasing to see so many of the children continuing to use Reading Plus over the half-term holiday and returning to school ready to do an Accelerated Reader quiz. Regular reading practise is one of the single-most important factors in being successful in school. This week has seen the first ch


This week, the boys and girls enjoyed launching our new English topic. This began with a challenge – to create a floating sail boat. The children were very creative and extremely keen to test their boats in water. The results proved rather successful as the photographs show. Since then the stimulus


Year 3 have been excited about  their introduction to French and have  quickly they have learnt new words. They particularly enjoyed learning names for colours, and how to ask their partner how they are feeling. Great work Year 3 Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our personalities, t


In our art lessons in Year 3 this half term, the children have been learning about printing. At first, the children investigated the effects of different textures when printing and then created monoprints of their own designs. The final print design of the children linked back to our work on the anc


As we reach the end of the half-term, it is excellent to see the effort that so many children have been making to read regularly. All children in KS2 should be reading using either Reading Plus or Lexia and then their Accelerated Reader books each week. Over the last fortnight the two classes with t