Year 4


Say cheeeeeeeese – it was a perfect week for a photograph in the sunshine!  What a great year for all of our children in Year 4 – it has flown past. From Greek pots to persuasive letters, times tables to food chains, squeezing bread and Cola through tights to visits to the Hindu temple – we have co


We had a great time in the sunshine enjoying a range of activities from penalty shoot outs to egg and spoon, along with cheering and shouting on for our teams. We have had to wait for a grand total to find out the winning team……but GERMANY will enjoy an extra break and ice pops on the field next


Today we finished off our Greek topic in Geography with a Greek salad in DT!  We drew on our knowledge of food safety and hygiene, linked back to our Pizza Express visit, and we washed our hands, our work stations and rolled up our sleeves to make our salad.  We revisited chopping methods discusse