Inter faith week was celebrated in November this year, with the aim of increasing awareness of different and distinct faith communities and increasing understanding between people of religious and non-religious belief. At Harlow Green, the week was kicked off with an assembly about the key beliefs o
Over the last couple of weeks, the children in Year 6 have been studying an animation titled ‘The Piano.’ This film has no words and is a series of flashbacks in the pianist’s life – seen whilst he plays a mournful tune. The children have tried to imagine themselves in the role of the old man playin
THE BAUBLE PROJECT! This year we have launched a new project across school – The Bauble Project. The aim is that each year in school, the children will use their Art or DT skills to decorate a wooden bauble engraved with the school logo. These have been handmade by volunteers at the charity The Cutt
As people may remember, we shared the sad news that Mrs Vi Symons, ex Head Teacher of Harlow Green Infant School, had passed away this year. In commemoration of the impact Mrs Symons had on our school community, governors agreed to make small, yet significant, change to the school. On Friday 10th
The children in KS2 have been working like little elves (maybe to impress Santa and get on the right list?) on their reading over the last fortnight. They are now becoming more familiar with Accelerated Reader and Reading Plus and you can see that many of the children are using these programs regula
Welcome to our final Reading Corner of 2021! As the holidays begin, I hope that you have the opportunity to spend some time reading with your children and to enjoy the wonder of books. The final two recommendations are particularly fitting for this time of year. Little Glow (Age 4+): A beautiful sto
Year 6 spent their Forest School session trying to work out how to make a flying fox or zip line. They are now confident in creating anchor knots in the form of a timber hitch and then adding tension using hitches to lock the ropes off. However they soon realised it’s not that easy, you need the r
The school catering team excelled themselves once again with a Christmas lunch that was enjoyed, literally, by hundreds! To get everything ready, teachers and Teaching Assistants prepared the room so that the tables were covered, and crackers set out, whilst the all-important cooking was going on be
Today was the official announcement to our children that an exciting art project was being undertaken with the aim of producing work for school which would represent our school community. Leanne Billinghurst, who is a parent of children at Harlow Green but also a professional artist, had discussed w
This week in DT, the children in Year 6 have made a working Morse Code transmitter. Firstly, they had to find out what a Morse Code transmitter did. After this, they designed their product. The children remembered how to create a circuit using their knowledge from Science and applied this knowledge