Year 6


This week, Year Six have been making Roman chariots in Design Technology lessons. The brief was to construct a Roman chariot that could hold cubes and race along a track. First, the children researched chariots and learned that the Romans used them for war, hunting and, primarily, for sport. Next, t


This half term, Year Six have been studying the Romans as part of their History topic. Today, the children found out about the Roman legacy: all of the brilliant things that the Romans introduced to Britain. It was interesting to find out that the Romans brought across nettles, rabbits, cats and coi


Year 6 have enjoyed a visit to Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum. They took part in an interactive lesson from a Roman teacher in the museum and enjoyed the opportunity to study real Roman artefacts in the museum. One of the highlights of the day was during the visit to the ruins of Vindolanda as