Year 6


Following a successful and inspiring visit from the author, Saviour Pirotta, this week’s recommendations are both books that he talked to the children about. It was interesting to hear that all of his books take six months to write and two years to be eventually published. The children showed a keen


It has been a busy few weeks at Harlow Green – with an author visit, Star Reader tests and lots of reading activities in class in English going on. It is always pleasing to look at the Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader websites to see how much effort the children have been putting into their read


Yesterday we had three teams take part in the Gateshead School Sports Boccia competition. There were 28 teams who took part from all across Gateshead and all of our three teams did really well and gave their all in every single game.  Two of our teams got to the semi-finals with Harlow Green C narr


This half term, Year 6 are learning about spreadsheets in computing. Firstly, the children were introduced to data, the different types and how it can be organised within a spreadsheet. Following this, the children looked at a spreadsheet showing sales of electronic items. From this spreadsheet, que


This week in maths, Year 6 have been learning about percentage. It is an area of maths they were only 25% confident in before we started, but now they are 100% super stars! They have worked hard to become familiar with percentage and fraction equivalents and have then used these to calculate any per


This is the first Reading Stars post since Christmas and takes into account all of the reading the children have been doing in KS2 since January. It has been brilliant to see so many children eager to read, share books and take quizzes on their own books as well as those they have read in school. We