

This week in Nursery the children have focused on circuses. The children started this week by watching a video of different acts you may find at a circus and talking about whether or not they have been to a circus. They also talked about what acts they would like to see at a circus or what acts they


This week in Nursery the children have focused on holidays. The children started this week by talking about where they would like to go on holiday to and whether they have been on holiday before and if so, where they have been to. The children then looked at a basic map and worked together to find w


This week in Nursery the children have focused on Summer. The children have discovered that Summer officially starts on Wednesday 21st June and that in the Summer the weather is usually warmer and sunnier and lots of people go on holidays, which is something we will focus on within the next few week


This week in Nursery the children have focused on pirates. They started this week by entering the classroom with a pirate hat, eye patch and treasure map left on the floor and a missing treasure chest. This led to lots of lovely discussions about who may have been in our classroom and why they think


This week in Nursery the children have continued with their ‘under the sea’ topic. They started this week by listening to a story called ‘The Singing Mermaid’ and receiving a letter from Marissa the Mermaid. The mermaid challenged them to investigate which material (out of card, paper, bubbl


  The younger children in school have been learning about Spikes and Stings and Sticky things this term. This encompasses slightly more risky plants; stinging nettles, brambles, thistles etc. Insects that may cause harm if provoked; bees, wasps, the occasional earwig, and Stick Safety; how we move


This week in Nursery the children have continued with our ‘under the sea’ topic. They started this week by listening to a story called ‘Octopants’ and the children then recapped the names of the different sea creatures that were mentioned in the story. After that, the children watched a shor


This week in Nursery our topic has been ‘under the sea’. They started this topic by receiving a bucket full of items linked to the seaside, such as suncream, a spade, a swimming costume, sunglasses, a sun hat, a fan and many more items. The children took it in turns to pick out an item at a time