

This week the children have focused on princesses, princes, Valentine’s Day and weddings in Nursery. The children started this week by listening to a story called ‘Guess how much I love you’ and discussing who they love, a special thing they like to do with their loved one and different ways t


The week the children have focused on pets in Nursery. The children started this week by finding out what a pet is and listening to two stories called ‘The Perfect Pet’ & ‘Mog and the v.e.t’. This then led to the children discussing what pets they have at home/would like to have and shar


The children started this week by discovering a dinosaur egg in the classroom. This led to the children discussing what a dinosaur is, what they already know about dinosaurs and learning the names and simple facts about other dinosaurs. The children also listened to two stories called ‘123 Do the


This week the children have been learning about all about Chinese New Year and China. The children started this week by listening to a story called Maisy’s Chinese New Year and watching some videos on CBeebies about Chinese New Year. They also discussed whether or not they celebrate Chinese New Ye


This week the children have been learning about space, rockets, the role of an astronaut and some famous astronauts such as Neil Armstrong. The children have also talked about where they would like to go on adventure to, who they might meet in space, what they might need in space and what they would


This week the children have been on a winter walk and identified the different things they may see in winter i.e. lots of bare trees and frost. They have also discussed what they have to wear in winter to stay warm and the different weathers that happen over winter. The children also discussed how t


This term during all of our Forest School sessions we will be learning about birds and taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. You can join in the survey at home too with the Big Garden Birdwatch. The first week back has seen some predictably wild January weather, so with this in mind the sess