

Following on from our Autumn treasure hunt, the children produced lots of different artwork such as Autumn wreaths and self-portraits using their findings. The children also listened to a story called ‘Happy Little Squirrel’ and discussed what hibernate means, which animals hibernate in the wint


This week we had our first Forest school session with Miss Howe and Mrs Holt, which involved us learning our forest school rules to keep everybody safe and making slugs, snails and birds using clay. What great fun we had!  Principle 3: Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all t


Our Nursery children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring our outside area to find Autumn treasures, such as pine cones, conkers, acorns and different colour leaves. Unfortunately, we did not see any real life squirrels but we did see some real life chickens and a real life fire! Article 28- We all hav


This morning all the children brought in their favourite teddy bears or cuddly toys to have a teddy bear picnic. The children listened to some bear songs and enjoyed milk or water, a range of fruit and some teddy bear crisps. Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.


Today the children in Nursery had lots of fun following a recipe to make porridge. After it was cooked, some of the children decided to add some strawberry jam or golden syrup to their porridge. Although it tasted delicious, we all agreed that Goldilocks shouldn’t have eaten the 3 bears’ porridg


We have had a fantastic time altogether in Nursery this week for the first time and we are extremely proud of all of the children settling into our routine of daily life. This week we have focused on ‘The Colour Monster’ and ‘The Colour Monster Goes to School’, which led to us talking about