Archive 2022/23


This half term we are working on gymnastics’ techniques and skills – starting with balancing using different parts of our body .  Firstly we worked with a partner to create a balance with a shape.  We tried to form squares, circles and triangles using parts of our body. Some of the children we


This week we had our first Forest school session with Miss Howe and Mrs Holt, which involved us learning our forest school rules to keep everybody safe and making slugs, snails and birds using clay. What great fun we had!  Principle 3: Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all t


Our Nursery children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring our outside area to find Autumn treasures, such as pine cones, conkers, acorns and different colour leaves. Unfortunately, we did not see any real life squirrels but we did see some real life chickens and a real life fire! Article 28- We all hav


As the rain came down in torrents, some of our Year 5 children set up games in the Angel Court Community rooms. The residents heard the hullabaloo and came to join in the fun. It was a lovely afternoon, nice to have time to chat, Maisie sang songs from her childhood and reminisced about playing domi


As part of our Marvellous Me topic, we have been looking at our families. We talked about how all of our families are set up differently, making us all unique and different. We learnt that it doesn’t matter if you have a different family to someone else, or if you have two homes or if you don’t


Today, the children started their new unit in PSHE all about relationships. We have looked at the word ‘anonymous’ and how anonymity can be used to hide information about ourselves online. The children were given a example profile of a child similar to their own age and they had the task of highligh


In PE, Year Two have been practising their ball skills. To begin, they had to let the ball bounce once and then hit it upwards. This was quite tricky as the children had to make sure their racket was flat and facing the ceiling. They learned that if it wasn’t, they would hit the ball in a different


In Year 4, the children have been learning all about the Vikings! First, they learnt where the Vikings came from and what parts of Britain they invaded. The children were shocked to learn that they invaded the North of England where they lived. Then, the children learnt about Viking place names that


This week year 3 received a visit from KS and Mrs Cunningham. The children all took part in an excellent discussion about different feelings and how all out feelings are valid. The children discussed what can make us have ‘yucky’ feelings and what we can do if we ever get those ‘yucky’ feelings. The


Year 6 children had the opportunity to work with their parents this week during a morning dedicated to maths. It was brilliant to see the competition between children and parents in times table dominoes and factors and multiples games – with the children definitely proving the winners. The aim of th