Archive 2022/23


This week we started looking at shapes and patterns and the symmetry within them.  Of course at some point – the mirrors had to come out and these alone can provide a lot of entertainment!  After exploring symmetry in ourselves, objects around us and in the class, we moved on to shapes and pattern


Linked to our topic “We’re all going on a summer holiday”, Year One have been reading a poem about the seaside. They discovered that each line focuses on a different sense – touch, smell, sight, taste and hearing. Everyone enjoyed firstly performing the poem together with actions and then we concent


In History this term, the children have been learning about castles. They have identified the features of a castle and identified how castles have changed over time. They have also used the map skills they developed in our geography lessons, to locate castles around the UK. As part of our learning,


This week in Design Technology, the children in Year Six have been designing and making their own Roman chariots. The brief was to construct a Roman chariot that could hold 10 multi-link cubes and race along a track. First, the children researched chariots and learned that the Romans used them for w


This week in Nursery the children have focused on pirates. They started this week by entering the classroom with a pirate hat, eye patch and treasure map left on the floor and a missing treasure chest. This led to lots of lovely discussions about who may have been in our classroom and why they think


This week in Year 4, the children have used clues to discover what their new book will be this term. The first clue was a picture of the Jamaican flag, many of the children knew instantly which flag this, making their predictions much stronger! The next clue the children received was the year 1986.


Today, Year Two visited the Centre for Life. They explored lots of zones and even watched a theatre show. In the Play Zone, the children had the opportunity to look at the giant globe in the entrance. Some of the children chose to draw pictures and add them to the picture gallery. They loved getting


On Monday, Year 5 were introduced to their new English read, ‘The Island’ by Armin Greder. To launch our new book, the children were ask to draw, write and annotate any ideas that came to mind after hearing the word ‘island’. After five minutes, the children shared their ideas which consisted of dra