Year 3


This week, Gail from Skipping School spent time with us, helping the children from Years 3-6 develop some skipping techniques.  This is part of a wider scheme in school to get more children skipping as part of our commitment to 60 active minutes a day, supporting children in their development of fi


During our RE work this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about Christianity. The boys and girls learnt about John the Baptist and were able to retell his story using visual prompts. As John the Baptist told people to repent their sins, the children wrote about something they wan


Children have been completing new Star Reader tests in Accelerated Reader, which gives them a new level and can give access to new books. It has been excellent to see the care with which the children have approached these online quizzes and the excellent progress that many of the children have made.


Year 3 have worked extremely hard during our addition and subtraction block in Maths. The children have been learning how to add and subtract 3 digit numbers and have used the column method throughout this block which has led them to become increasing confident. We used a lot of mathematical words s