I love picture books – at any age – and this week the two picture books could both be enjoyed by any audience. Many people think picture books are only for younger children, but they provide such amazing opportunities for discussion at any age. At Harlow Green, we use them in every year group within
After the half-term holiday, it has been really pleasing to see the children returning to school talking about books they have read. The teachers were really pleased to see that many of the children continued to access Reading Plus and many were instantly ready to do their Accelerated Reader quiz, w
This week in English, we ‘launched’ our new reading stimulus – all the children knew was that it had something to do with boats. They shared their ideas and experiences about different types of boats, their design and purpose, then made models of boats using everyday materials. The aim was to includ
This week the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 enjoyed our Halloween disco. Mrs Taylor, members of our PTA and school staff helped out with the Halloween celebration. The children’s costumes were ‘spooktacular’ so much so that it was difficult to make out who was under the masks and face paint. W
Reading for pleasure and generating a love of text is of such importance at Harlow Green. In the past, children have enjoyed ‘Reading Buddies’ during events like World Book Day, but we have decided that this is something we want to promote every half-term. Classes have been ‘buddied’ up, with older
In partnership with Gateshead Council’s Road Safety Team, we were given the opportunity for six children to represent the school in a “Don’t Drink and Drive” World Cup campaign. The campaign was photographed beside the Angel of the North on Tuesday afternoon alongside Northumbria Police and Ty
Harvest Festival This year, as part of our Harvest celebrations, we have learnt about the meaning behind harvest through our class assembly times. We found out the importance of gathering crops from the fields. This year we raised donations to send to Feeding Families North East.linking with World F
In Year 3, the boys and girls have been developing their printing skills during our Art topic. The children began by learning how to roll the ink and explored the patterns created using different textures. Once the children were confident using the ink and roller, they used their skills to create a