The annual Penalty Speed Challenge took place during the summer fayre, once again. There was fantastic participation with a huge amount of effort being demonstrated with an aim of winning the prize of a new football. By the end of the afternoon, there were winners in each age bracket (EYs, Key Sta
The Gateshead School Sports Partnership annual athletics festival at Gateshead International Stadium is always a highlight of the annual sporting calendar. It was another amazing day and largely dry and bright! Our team of 20 children from Years 3,4,5 and 6 raced, hurdled, jumped and threw their w
Yesterday, the Harlow Green community came together to enjoy our annual school summer fayre. Once again, the weather was glorious; the sun shone and the rain stayed away. Parents and children enjoyed having a go at traditional games such as Name the Teddy, tombola, guess the number of sweets in
In Year 4 , we have learning about the Ancient Greeks. In Art, we have studied the art work of artist Louise Rose Goodman, who creates pottery. The children looked at her coil pots and also looked at Ancient Greek pots and realised the similarities between them. They then used some clay to create co
This week we started looking at shapes and patterns and the symmetry within them. Of course at some point – the mirrors had to come out and these alone can provide a lot of entertainment! After exploring symmetry in ourselves, objects around us and in the class, we moved on to shapes and pattern
In this weeks Forest School session the children took the photos. Learning how to identify trees can be a tricky matter, this activity helps children to really look at leaf shapes whilst linking to our pshe scheme looking at family. In class we discussed what family means to us, everybody’s interpre
This week in Year 4, the children have used clues to discover what their new book will be this term. The first clue was a picture of the Jamaican flag, many of the children knew instantly which flag this, making their predictions much stronger! The next clue the children received was the year 1986.
In Forest School sessions this week we have been focusing on the changes in nature as the Summer season unfolds. The children were shown how to pick from living plants and trees without causing lasting damage. Then they used the things they had collected to create images. The younger children mostly
The school has three easy to remember rules: READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. In recognition of those who have been following these rules to a high degree, on a daily basis, as well as trying their very best in all that they do, teachers nominate children to have time with Mr Malik where they can have
Three of our oldest Rights Respect officers visited Caedmon Primary School on Thursday with Miss Bradshaw. We were invited, along with some other nearby schools, for a meeting to share ideas talk about their roles as Rights Respect Officers and tour the school. The children found the meeting v