Year 4


In English, we are loving reading When The Mountains Roared and this week we have been looking at the plight of the endangered snow leopards, so we can write a persuasive letter to the Indian government to ask for their support to help!  It ties in nicely with our Geography topic too on mountains a


In Year 4 this term, we have been learning all about editing photos. First, the children thought about the positives and the negatives of photo editing. The children realised that photo editing could mean they don’t see the whole picture, or that the picture is completely faked! We realised that we


This term in Maths we introduce a lot of new concepts to the children, starting with more formal methods of short division, then developing their knowledge of fractions and starting decimals.  This week we have been using the counters in lessons to look at division with remainders.  Dividing 5 by


This week we have started our studies all about the Hindu faith.  We looked at key symbols, beliefs and locations of the Hindu faith including its origin and the range of Gods and Goddesses. We looked more closely at some of the different forms, features and qualities that the Gods had and how and


The new year has started brilliantly for Harlow Green’s reading stars in KS2. All of the children have taken a Star Reader test in Accelerated Reader to get a new reading range and they have all been able to select from the new books in the scheme. The children have also continued to use Reading Plu


This term during all of our Forest School sessions we will be learning about birds and taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. You can join in the survey at home too with the Big Garden Birdwatch. The first week back has seen some predictably wild January weather, so with this in mind the sess