Year 4


We started our Science topic this week – all about animals and how to classify them into different groups.  We never knew there were so many different categories and had some fantastic debates about what category animals would fit in to, and those that don’t quite fit.  For example, is a penguin a


This week, the children have taken part in lot of different Christmas activities. Firstly, they have created a winter scene on the back of their snowmen decorations. To do this, the children used blue and white paint to make a wash for the background that faded from dark blue to light blue and then


Across school at the end of term, all the children take part in a quiz using the app Mentimeter.  This quizzes them on all things to do with foundation lessons such as History, Geography, Art, PE, Science and more….The classes ring out with cheers and drum rolls. The children are really used to t


In Year 4 this week, the children have been learning all about advent in RE. They learnt that ‘advent’ means the arrival or the coming and Christians spend this time preparing for Jesus. The children then learnt how different countries around the world celebrate advent. In the UK, children often rec