Year 5


This week, for the Angel of the North’s 25th birthday, we have taken part in creative activities to celebrate this special occasion. We created a kenning poem based on the Angel. We started by listing the different things the Angel reminds us of and what is means to us. When then turned these into


In French this half term, Year 5 have been learning all about the date. The children began by singing the days of the week in French to help the tune and lyrics stick in their minds. They then went on to months of the year and also recapped their numbers in order to write the date. Once the children


This week, in Computing, we have celebrated Safer Internet Day. We learnt what the day is for and the different way we can support it. As a class we looked at the amazing things the internet can provide us with. However, we also explored the dangers and fear that can come with using the internet. Th


This week in Art, the children have been investigating colour. To start, the children were introduced to an artist who uses different shades to create contrasting backgrounds. Then, the children investigated different shades of a primary colour by gradually adding white to create a lighter shade and


This week, in Maths, we have started our second unit of Fractions. The children started the week by learning how to multiply a unit fraction by an integer before moving onto multiplying a non unit fraction by an integer. We finished the week by furthering our knowledge to multiplying a mixed number