For the past two weeks, Class 5A have been participating in some rather interesting PE lessons! After finding out that they would be taking part in fencing lessons, the children were very excited. Lesson 1 focused on the basics of fencing, including learning about the salute, the ‘on guard’ position
This week saw a return to our Angel Court visits. Over the last few months we have mostly been outside working on their new garden, but whilst the weather is cold and Neil puts the last touches on the henhouse, we moved inside to the warm to enjoy some music. Tobias, a musician from Equal Arts, has
This week, in Geography, we started our new unit of ‘Human and physical geography within a region of South America and the UK’. The children started the topic by locating South America on a world map. Once we had located South America, we took a closer look at the countries within it, focusing on Ar
With the current cold weather, there really is nothing better to do than curl up in bed or lie in front of a fire reading a book. There are so many great new releases coming out in 2023 – from well-know authors like Julia Donaldson, to new authors and books from other cultures. I hope that you will
The new year has started brilliantly for Harlow Green’s reading stars in KS2. All of the children have taken a Star Reader test in Accelerated Reader to get a new reading range and they have all been able to select from the new books in the scheme. The children have also continued to use Reading Plu
The last two weeks have seen our Reading Buddies programme taking place again across school. Each half-term, older children read with their buddy class. It is a great opportunity to be leaders and for the younger children to read and discuss a book with somebody. It was lovely to see so many of the
This week, the children have been investigating the life cycles of mammals (humans), birds and amphibians (frogs). We have looked at what happens at the different stages of each life cycle and compared the life cycles of different types of animals. The children found the life cycles of frogs especia
Dear Parent/Carer, On behalf of staff and Governors, I would like to wish families a Happy New Year and we very much hope everyone has had an enjoyable and safe Christmas. It has been great to see children back in school, albeit with some looking a little tired having enjoyed their holiday so much
We started this project in 2021 as a legacy collectable for children who move through our school. This year we introduced a new set of baubles for each year group so that the children can collect one each year as they get older, and hopefully keep them way into the future. Reception / Nursery an
What a fantastically festive week Year 5 have had, in the lead up to Christmas. We have made calendars, cards and baubles, watched a Christmas movie and even a pantomime. However, our favourite part of the week had to be our Christmas party. The children were full of festive cheer (and competitive