This week, Year 6 were introduced to their new text in English – the Horrible Histories Second World War Book. This is an interesting, informal non-fiction book that contains many genres of writing and the children have explored how these different genres are used across the chapters. They have then
After the half-term holiday, it has been really pleasing to see the children returning to school talking about books they have read. The teachers were really pleased to see that many of the children continued to access Reading Plus and many were instantly ready to do their Accelerated Reader quiz, w
Wands and broomsticks, potions and ghosts, Year 6 created all sorts of spooky things for Halloween. Using Formia leaves to make fastenings the children worked together to create some fantastic broomsticks, smelly ones, using thyme, sage, mint and lemon balm. Fluffy ones made from rose bay willow her
This week the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 enjoyed our Halloween disco. Mrs Taylor, members of our PTA and school staff helped out with the Halloween celebration. The children’s costumes were ‘spooktacular’ so much so that it was difficult to make out who was under the masks and face paint. W
Over the past two weeks, Year Six have been studying different sketching techniques in Art lessons. The children looked at how to represent texture, light and shadow, perspective, reflection and movement. First, they practised their skills by sketching a realistic apple and a scene where mountains a
Reading for pleasure and generating a love of text is of such importance at Harlow Green. In the past, children have enjoyed ‘Reading Buddies’ during events like World Book Day, but we have decided that this is something we want to promote every half-term. Classes have been ‘buddied’ up, with older
Today, the Year 5 and 6 children were visited by two representatives from the NSPCC, who delivered workshops about the importance of speaking out and staying safe. They looked at different scenarios and posed questions for children to think about. The children all responded maturely and really thoug
Harvest Festival This year, as part of our Harvest celebrations, we have learnt about the meaning behind harvest through our class assembly times. We found out the importance of gathering crops from the fields. This year we raised donations to send to Feeding Families North East.linking with World F