Year 6


Welcome back to Reading Stars – ready for 2022-2023. The children have been back three weeks now and have all completed initial assessments on Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader. This gives them a starting level to read from. They have then started to access the programmes by reading different shor


In English, the Year 6 children have started to study ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. In the first week, they did lots of reading activities to immerse them in the text and to understand the feelings and actions of the characters. This week, they have written a variety of ‘sentence stackers’ to


It has been a busy week in Year 6 as the children hit the ground running upon their return to school. They have had clues to gradually reveal their English book for the half-term (Friend or Foe); have studied numbers up to 99 million; applied for roles and responsibilities in school during PSHE less