Year 6


Reading is such an important part of life at Harlow Green and it has been an incredibly busy few weeks as many children in KS2 have achieved reading certificates in reading Plus for the number of words they have read. Mr Allen spent nearly a whole afternoon  looking through each class’s reading rec


As part of their DT work, this week, the year 6 children enjoyed working with Chef Nick. The children worked in groups to help to prepare and cook dishes with an American theme – jambalaya and gumbo. The chef shared information about life in America, typical American foods and healthy eating. Alth


On Friday, pupils had fun whilst raising money for Comic Relief.  During assembly, the children learnt that Comic Relief is a charity event  that raises money to support incredible projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world.  At Harlow Gre


It’s not often that Year 6 get to play with cubes, so there was great excitement when the children were confronted with piles of coloured cubes this week to help them to calculate volumes. The week started with the children building shapes and counting cubes. They then developed their understanding


Over the the first half of the spring term, the Year 6 tennis club were absolutely fantastic in their attitude and application towards developing their tennis skills.  As a result of the team’s focus and listening skills, they have all developed an understanding of the game, how to hit forehands an


For the last two weeks in maths, Year 6 have been learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. Firstly, the children had to become familiar with percentage, decimal and fraction equivalents. Knowing these equivalences allowed the children to compare and order a them.  The children then used