Year 6


Since returning from half-term, the children will all have completed a Star Reader test. This is used to assess their reading and to give them a new level for Accelerated Reader. There is always great excitement when children move up levels and have access to new reading material. Just to remind par


This half-term, the children in Year 6 have been studying the book ‘Skellig’ by David Almond. They have thoroughly enjoyed the book and have been excited to find out exactly what ‘Skellig’ was and what would happen to the baby in the story. During their studies, it came to light that Leanne Billingh


Year 6 have been looking at different styles of portraits in the last couple of weeks. They have talked about how Picasso used a Cubist style, that was abstract and where art is produced from different angles and using geometric shape. they have contrasted this with Realism and the concept of whethe