Archive 2023/24


Today we celebrated an incredibly successful year of sport in an assembly with Years 4, 5 and 6.  Mr McMann has steered clubs, teams and events across the year to deliver an incredible year of winning sport, with over 230 children at sports clubs and 15 gold medals out of our 27 tournaments attende


Following the Rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe is essential for all at Harlow Green to achieve their very best.  Each week, children who show how well they are following our rules will be awarded with juice and biscuits with Mr Malik.  During the session, Mr Malik is able to talk to the childre


The Leavers’ Show is an event that the children look forward to all year – and they certainly didn’t disappoint! As I’m sure you will all agree the children were absolutely amazing in their show. They are such a talented group and this was evident in the singing, dancing, acting, poetry reading, jok


There have been a few tears already on the final day in Year 6 – but hopefully happy ones full of positive memories. The children have all enjoyed signing shirts this morning and receiving their Year Book. it has been lovely to see the positivity and the happy memories they have been sharing with ea


Today, children from Reception up to Year 4 enjoyed a session with Master Park from Hero Martial Arts in Gateshead. They had an amazing time and it was great to see skills and talents from Reception upwards – they just wanted more time! Hero are based in Bensham on Victoria Road and are always looki


Today we finished off our DT and History Greek topic with some delicious homemade Greek inspired loaded potatoes and tzatziki dip. After looking at potential risks with knives and hot surfaces, along with hygiene requirements, we used various chopping techniques to cut up the items in preparation –


After the formal Graduation Ceremony, Year 6 visited Primivera in Low Fell to enjoy a meal together. it was lovely to see the children dressed up and having fun – we even got them to put their phones away for about five minutes! The three course meal of potato skins, pizza/pasta and ice-cream was en