

We have been learning about Henri Matisse and his artwork this week. Nursery read a story called ‘Snail Trail’ which showed us different pieces of artwork that were created by Matisse. It focused on his creation called ‘The Snail’, to fit in with our topic learning around minibeasts. The Snail was c


This week Nursery have been using Miss Nelson’s magic pen to explore the interactive smart board. As part of our minibeast topic, we have been using the features on our classrooms smart boars to access the note pad feature.  We have been drawing pictures of our favourite minibeasts. We learnt how t


This week in Nursery we have made a dark den in our classroom, and have explored using torches. We started our week reading the story ‘Kipper’s Monster’. Kipper went on an adventure in the woods to build a den with his friend Tiger. When they were in the woods a horrendous, terrifying shadow appeare


This week in Nursery we have been practicing our chopping skills. We have been learning all about Dinosaurs as part of our new topic – ‘Adventure Awaits!’. We started the week listening to a story called ‘T-VEG a Carrot Crunching Dinosaur’ which was about a dinosaur who only ate fruit and vegeta


This week the Easter bunny came to visit Nursery! Miss Nelson had a phone call from the Easter bunny, who told her that he was so impressed with how hard all of the Nursery children have been this term that he had hidden us some tasty treats out in our Forest school! We had lots of fun looking under