

This week Nursery have been on a journey to China to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We have learnt all about the celebration of ‘Chinese New Year’ and explored their culture, looking at how it id different and similar to our own New Years celebration. We found that this year is the year of the Drag


All this term, children across school have been learning about British birds in their Forest School sessions, this is linked to the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. The children have become very good at recognising  the different types, where they might expect to see them and how to tell some of the diff


In Nursery this week, we have been exploring modes of transport. We started the week by reading ‘You Cant take an elephant on the Bus’, and discussed types of transport we knew. We shared pictures on Tapestry of ourselves on different modes of transport, such as aeroplanes, ferrys, bikes and trains.


This week in Nursery we have travelled up to space and landed on the moon. We have enjoyed learning all about space and rocket ships this week. During our math’s small group activity we have been creating rockets using different 2D shapes such as; square, triangle, circle and rectangle. We identifie


Nursery took part in the start of the Big Schools birdwatch this week! We have loved learning all about the different types of British birds we can see in our local environment and that come to visit our Nursery garden. We watched a video all about the different birds and learnt some of their names


This term in our Forest School sessions we are preparing for our annual survey for The RSPB Big School Bird-watch. Year 6 are busy building bird-hides. The structure of their builds is linked to their RE study regarding the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Trying to use the detailed guidance for building


Nursery celebrated the start of a New Year this week. We have been learning all about how a New Year has begun as it is now 2024. The children enjoyed listening to a story called ‘The Night Before New Years’ which talked through how families often spend their New Year’s Eve and the type of cel


We have had so much Christmas fun in Nursery this week! This week we enjoyed sharing our Nativity performance with all of our families. We sung all our songs, said our lines and did some fabulous walking in front of lots of adults. We were all very brave and hope we all made you very proud (our teac